XPath 1.0 Functions Reference

All functions predefined in XPath 1.0 as defined by XPath 1.0 specifications by W3C.

Node Set Functions

number last() string local-name(node-set?)
number position() string namespace-uri(node-set?)
number count(node-set) string name(node-set?)
node-set id(object)  

String Functions

string string(object?) string substring-after(string, string)
string concat(string, string, string*) string substring(string, number, number?)
boolean starts-with(string, string) number string-length(string?)
boolean contains(string, string) string normalize-space(string?)
string substring-before(string, string) string translate(string, string, string)

Boolean Functions

boolean boolean(object) boolean true()
boolean not(boolean) boolean false()
boolean lang(string)  

Number Functions

number number(object?) number ceiling(number)
number sum(node-set) number round(number)
number floor(number)  


child  parent  following-sibling following 
descendant  ancestor  preceding-sibling preceding 
attribute  namespace  self  descendant-or-self


@ \ attribute:: default \ child:: (can be omitted)
. \ self::node()  // /descendant-or-self::node()/
..  \ parent::node()    

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