
The item is in English.

Cuty, 1999 - February 2, 2012, 7:35am

We met when you were barely three years old. We brought you from shelter, where previous owners abandoned you, and you accepted our home as yours. Shy, well-behaving, you gave us joy and your love for more than 10 years. You were probably the most affectionate cat I've ever met. Last five months you were fighting cancer like a warrior, without complains, enjoying every day, a chance to lie in the Sun, our attention. Today we lost you. Your pain is over, ours is ours to keep.

Sharing wisdom in a marketplace

“Teacher, I spoke about your last lesson at the marketplace and I was laughed at by stupid people, who could not understand it...”
“Next time, start with ‘It’s a theory.’ All idiots will immediately dismiss it as ‘just a theory’ and stop listening.”
“Is there a downside?”
“Someday, you will still want to share it with someone.”

Всех с праздником сепаратизма!

Юбилей ГКЧП - 20 лет
Всех с праздником сепаратизма, когда множество людей получили право не мыться, не получать среднее образование, убивать подозрительных людей иной национальности, и - главное, для чего это видимо было задумано - умирать в массовых масштабах от голода, терроризма и сепаратистских войн. Цена: по крайней мере 10 миллионов жизней.

One Feature for Future Operating System...

Long ago operating systems completely missed the idea of “installation”. Setup of each program was completely personal business of that program. Now they became a bit more wise than that, but still featuring that naive liberal-democratic way of how other people treat my hard drive. Which is one of the reasons for the spread of sexually-transmitted... pardon, Internet-downloaded software transmitted computer viruses.

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